Nicole Fleetwood

Nicole Fleetwood

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Off Campus

Paul Brach Visiting Artist Lecture Series

Nicole R. Fleetwood is the inaugural James Weldon Johnson Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication in the Steinhardt School at New York University. She is a writer, curator, and art critic whose interests are contemporary black diasporic art and visual culture, photography studies, art and public practice, performance studies, gender and feminist studies, black cultural history, creative nonfiction, prison abolition and carceral studies, and poverty studies. She is the author Marking Time: Art in the Era of Mass Incarceration (Harvard University Press, 2020), winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in Criticism, and both the Charles Rufus Morey Book Award in art history and the Frank Jewett Mather Award in art criticism from the College Art Association. She is also the curator of the traveling exhibition, Marking Time: Art in the Era of Mass Incarceration, which debuted at MoMA PS1 (September 17, 2020 - April 5, 2021).

All lectures are free, open to the public, and presented online. RSVP required. 

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