Carmen Hernández

Carmen Hernández

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Off Campus


Paul Brach Visiting Artist Lecture Series

Carmen Hernández holds a BA in Fine Arts from the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), an MA in Latin American Literature from the Simón Bolívar University, and a PhD in Social Sciences (UCV, 2008). She is a researcher in Latin American art, with extensive curatorial and museum experience in Venezuela, México, and Spain. She is the former director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Caracas, has taught history of art at the UCV and at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Hernández collaborates with publications in national and international magazines and newspapers. She has published the books From the body: allegories of the feminine. A vision of contemporary art, Monteávila Editores, Caracas (2008) and Insubordinación: Diamela Eltit and Paz Errázuriz. Urgency and emergence of a new artistic position in Post-Coup Chile (1983-1994), Monte Ávila Editores, Caracas (2011), which have received awards for their investigative work. She is currently a professor at the Experimental University of the Arts, in Venezuela, co-editor of the independent web project Plataforma de Arte Contemporáneo, and is currently curator for the Tijuana Triennial.

All lectures are free, open to the public, and presented online. RSVP required. 

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